TEDxMSU 2015: THE WILL archive


The theme for TEDxMSU 2015, “The Will”, focused on the concept of willpower, the mobilization of the mental and physical processes by which brilliant ideas work their way out of brainspace and into the actionable world. Not all proposals survive, but we’re interested in that impetus, the moment of action where dreams push their way into reality.

TEDxMSU is a collaboration between Michigan State University’s students, alumni, faculty, and friends, as well as the greater East Lansing area. The conference featured interdisciplinary presenters, primarily from the MSU community, expressing their past experiences, current projects, and future visions to promote inquiry and critical discussion in intersecting communities.


Video Archive


Check out our Flickr page for the complete album - thanks to our amazing staff photographers! 



We are indebted to our 2015 sponsors for their contributions in making TEDxMSU: The Will a reality. For more information on sponsorship in our current and future endeavors, please contact us directly.  


To the legions of creators, doers, idealists, and innovators who dedicated countless hours of energy, emotion, and brainpower to make this conference come to fruition: thank you.